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Thursday, 7 January 2016

A new season

It's been a while since we last blogged. Life just did that weird thing where it got super busy and we had to slow down for a bit. But, it's a new year and a new opportunity to get back into the habit of doing things we love once again. 

Well, 2016 came around fast. One minute it was summer, and then Christmas and then suddenly the 1st of January again. And if I'm entirely honest, I'm not too sure how I feel about this year at all. It's the year I will graduate. Three years of university complete and then I'll be thrown into the real working world, and figuring out life in a city. It's the year I will properly leave home to live in London and juggle things myself. It's all an exciting thought- like when you dream about it as a child- but then it really happens. You find yourself applying for jobs, no longer have to writing essays and saving for a mortgage (or an over-priced flat). 

Coat- Topshop// Trousers and jumper- Zara// Trainers- Adidas Neo 

There's this rush of excitement which comes with the beginning of every new year. Everyone goes out to buy fancy leather diaries (I got mine last week), and gets super organised with lists of things they want to achieve (my sister even got this snazzy 'to-do' wall hanger too.) It's interesting to see how long that lasts though. My diary usually stays neatish until February, then it's some kind of biro blur as life really kicks in. 

I'm not really one to make resolutions, as I try to keep to the same ambitions almost every year. Things like work hard, eat right, make time for yourself and read more are ones are like to carry with me every year, and are simple to keep too. Going to the gym everyday, for example will never happen, so what's the point in setting that as a goal? (I admire you if you have stuck to that resolution though). I just see each year as a new opportunity to give more, love more and pursue your dreams further. We don't know what the year will bring, so let's make the most out of each season. Learn, grow, love. Be you. 

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